The Language of Content

Articles from Speak Agent with math literacy and science resources, strategies, research, and program updates.

Codesign Product Certification

Speak Agent has earned the 2025 Co-Design Product Certification for its work with Kansas City Public Schools (KCPS) to engage students in product design.

Math Literacy Practices

Math literacy is where math content and language proficiency meet. It engages learners with mathematics content by promoting problem solving, reasoning, communication, and modeling—and by making connections. But math literacy is evolving...

What’s in the New CGCS Framework for English Learners?

In April, the Council of the Great City Schools published A Framework for Foundational Literacy Skills Instruction for English Learners to share best practices for teaching ELs of all grade levels. The framework synthesizes the latest research in...

Five Secrets to District-Wide Success

My previous post reported on the groundbreaking success with Speak Agent in middle grades math and ELD at Prince George’s County Public Schools. But how did PGCPS achieve results? This article explores the key ingredients to achieving success.

Groundbreaking Research Finds Speak Agent Boosts Math Scores

A new groundbreaking data analysis found that using Speak Agent Math+Languageleads to significant gains in math scores for middle school students at Prince George’s County Public Schools. The research also found a significant effect on English...

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