Printing Student Logins


You are in a school/district that is not using Clever to access Speak Agent and need to find your students' login information.

Steps for Class Logins:

  1. Click Classes & Students in the left-side menu.
    Classes and Students menu
  2. Click on the class that you need logins for.
  3. Click the Print Login Info button.
  4. In Chrome, a PDF will open showing the usernames and PINs for your class. In other browsers, it may download to a your downloads folder. 
  5. Students sign in using these instructions.
    badge-70x70_super_sleuth Mission accomplished!

Steps for Individual Student Logins:

  • You can go directly to a Student page to view or print the login for one student at a time. The process is otherwise identical to above.
  • This is helpful if a student lost/forgot their password. Student accounts do not contain any personal contact information.