Articles from Speak Agent with math literacy and science resources, strategies, research, and program updates.
Speak Agent is now offering an expanded catalog of professional learning courses that, for the first time, includes a self-paced digital component. These self-paced modules use Speak Agent digital lessons to teach Speak Agent through hands-on...
Yesterday, Speak Agent earned the Learner Variability product certification. Speak Agent is among the first 15 companies in the world to earn this new third-party certification. We were also among the first to earn the Research-Based Design...
Earlier this week we announced the launch of the ELL Digital Strategies Workspace, in partnership with Digital Promise. Now we have launched a similar resource for K-8 Math, the Math+Language Strategies Workspace. This new Workspace explores active...
The Speak Agent academic language learning platform applies 32 research-based instructional strategies across its varied activities. The research behind these strategies is compiled by the Learner Variability Project, a service provided by Digital...
It's official! Speak Agent has earned the Research-Based Design product certification from Digital Promise. This new product certification process is intended to serve as a rigorous, reliable signal for K12 educators seeking verifiable evidence of a...
After a chart-topping debut on, we now bring our highly rated Academic Language Strategies webinar series directly to you! The webinar will identify specific strategies to help reduce the achievement gap by teaching content knowledge...
How can we better support diverse learners in STEM content areas? Our WIDA Annual Conference session tomorrow will explore practical, research-based strategies for explicitly teaching the language of learning math and science. We will examine Speak...
When we first launched Speak Agent, we offered schools and teachers a self-serve classroom trial. This did not get results. Then we began to offer a pilot program with our full suite of support services. That worked so much better! This article...
© Speak Agent, Inc. 155 Gibbs St., Rockville, MD 20850 USA.
The Speak Agent logo is a service mark of Speak Agent, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Speak Agent received support from National Science Foundation award 1632488, U.S. Department of Education award ED-IES-15C0027, and NIH SBIR award 1R43ES031433-01.