This week, a young education company seeks advice on how much financial risk to take on as it pushes forward. — Dan Beyers
Articles from Speak Agent with math literacy and science resources, strategies, research, and program updates.
We're excited to share our new academic language learning games, new product features, and new WIDA correlation at the WIDA 2017 Annual Conference, Oct. 16-18. The fact that Florida is hosting WIDA this year is special for us. In the past two months...
I walked into the MediaBarn User Experience Lab thinking that I knew exactly how the first, second, and third-grade students would use our new learning game prototype. "Tall Tales" is a Mad Libs™-style cloze activity where kids fill in the blanks by...
The Speak Agent team worked hard over the summer to make your teaching experience even better by adding new academic language learning games and new features. These new games and features will be available for customers who upgrade to Speak Agent...
Outside South Lake Elementary School in mid-February, snow was still piled high atop grassy medians and street corners. Inside, kids raced, hopped, spun, and meandered around the warm cafeteria. It was pizza time! This was my first visit to Dream...
The following is a lightly edited excerpt of an August 29, 2017 blog post made by David Cross of the Towson University Incubator. Find the original here.
Speak Agent launches new online tool for teaching academic program to English Language Learners
Language-learning company seeks help translating early success into a growing enterprise
This week, a young education company seeks advice on how much financial risk to take on as it pushes forward. — Dan Beyers
Last night the National Science Foundation notified us of a two-year Phase II SBIR grant award that will fund further research and development of our digital platform for academic language learning, especially for English Language Learners (ELLs)....
In January we issued our final report to the National Science Foundation for Phase I SBIR award IIP-1448520. This NSF grant supported development of many of the features you see today with Speak Agent's academic language and vocabulary learning...
© Speak Agent, Inc. 155 Gibbs St., Rockville, MD 20850 USA.
The Speak Agent logo is a service mark of Speak Agent, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Speak Agent received support from National Science Foundation award 1632488, U.S. Department of Education award ED-IES-15C0027, and NIH SBIR award 1R43ES031433-01.