Articles from Speak Agent with math literacy and science resources, strategies, research, and program updates.
Equity in K-12 education is a complex issue. It is difficult to know where to start or what strategies to use. Strategies and definitions can vary by district, school, classroom, and even by student. Understanding how equity impacts outcomes will...
The latest report from WIDA shows a precipitous nationwide decline in language growth for multilingual learners (aka English Learners) in grades K to 8. The chart below compares the gains in WIDA ACCESS scores from the largely pre-pandemic era of...
Are you feeling overwhelmed by the sweeping changes made by WIDA in their latest ELD standards framework? You are not alone! WIDA's 2020 edition is a fundamental rethinking of how we serve multilingual learners. There's also quite a bit of new...
The Speak Agent academic language learning platform applies 32 research-based instructional strategies across its varied activities. The research behind these strategies is compiled by the Learner Variability Project, a service provided by Digital...
Last week's post recounted the story of unopened boxes filled with unread packets of student work mailed in by thousands of families. In this post, I intend to share an alternative vision. To be clear, being physically present at school is...
Last week I was on a webconference that examined the internet access gap. I was struck by one district administrator's story: For weeks, thousands of students had been diligently mailing in the packets of work they'd been assigned. All of those...
I was recently reading an article about the challenges the NYCDOE is facing in supporting their ELLs and how these students are faring in the "new normal." Here's how one Brooklyn teen described it:
After a chart-topping debut on, we now bring our highly rated Academic Language Strategies webinar series directly to you! The webinar will identify specific strategies to help reduce the achievement gap by teaching content knowledge...
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Speak Agent received support from National Science Foundation award 1632488, U.S. Department of Education award ED-IES-15C0027, and NIH SBIR award 1R43ES031433-01.