The Language of Content

Articles from Speak Agent with math literacy and science resources, strategies, research, and program updates.

Product Update - April 2019

The new Speak Agent version 1.6.3 adds several new or enhanced games and activities! Not to mention some other goodies. Here are the details:

ED Games Expo 2019

Speak Agent will participate in the 2019 ED Games Expo at the Kennedy Center in Washington, DC on Jan. 7-8, 2019. Find us at table #43!

Learn the Language of STEM at NSTA

Find Speak Agent's Language of STEM exhibit at booth 533 at the NSTA (National Science Teachers Association) Area Conference on Science Education. The event takes place at National Harbor, MD from Nov. 15 to Nov. 17, 2018. Come on down and visit...

Product Update - November 2018

The new Speak Agent version 1.5.1 is chock full of new features and enhancements. Here are the details:

Speak Agent to Present at 2018 WIDA Annual Conference

We look forward to showcasing the latest additions to the Speak Agent academic language learning platform at the WIDA 2018 Annual Conference in Detroit from October 23rd to 25th. 

New Partners Implement Speak Agent Across Maryland

Speak Agent is being implemented in three Maryland counties this school year, each of which hosts one of the nation's top-50 largest public school districts. Our team is proud to work with our partners to accelerate academic language learning for ...

Five Principles of Personalized Teaching

Todd Rose's book "The End of Average" has underscored the connection between learner variability and the opportunities for personalized learning afforded by education technology. To date, however, the conversation has largely omitted the perspective...

Digital Promise Partners With Speak Agent to Bridge the Academic Language Gap

Digital Promise Global's Learner Variability Project has partnered with Speak Agent to further the mission that all students, regardless of their learner variability, master the academic language and vocabulary they need to succeed. Digital Promise...

Product Update - September 2018

The new Speak Agent version 1.4.1 delivers several major new features and enhancements. Here are the details:

Speak Agent presenting research experiences at Serious Play Conference

As game-based learning has become an important feature in the implementation of edtech in schools, conferences like Serious Play have become important vehicles for promoting integration of research and learning science into the field. Our CEO, Ben...

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