New year, new reports! Over the past several weeks we have added a whole bunch of new ways to get progress data at the student, class, and school level. Here are all the goodies in version 3.2.0:
School Data Dashboards
School leaders now have a new data dashboard for monitoring their implementation of Speak Agent.
- You see summary data right when you sign in.
- Then you can go to the school report if you want to search for a specific class section or data range.
Class Progress Reports
Under the class Lesson Progress tab, when you click on a lesson report, there are two new report tabs:
- The Words tab shows you how many of your students have learned each word or concept in Speak Agent.
- The Level Up tab shows how many students are getting each question correct, who is getting it incorrect, and the most common misconceptions your students have.
- We also added trend Charts to each class page. This gives you a look back at time on task, activities completed, and words learned over the past 4, 8, or 12 weeks.
Student Progress Reports
There's also new ways to keep track of individual students:
- The new Words tab on the student page aggregates all the words from all the lessons that student has done this school year.
- We added trend charts to each student page as well.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug with Level Up where the answer choice text was not recorded for a 5-day period of time. There were no portfolio items generated for Level Ups from January 6, 2023 to January 11, 2023. You will see accurate score data on the class and student Lesson Progress reports — just not the exact answer choice text. The student experience was not affected. We sincerely apologize for this error!
- Added missing answer key data for Read Alongs and other activities.
Coming Soon
Filter Searches and Data by Course
We are changing the list of "Subjects" on all search pages to instead reflect the names of Speak Agent courses. This will make it easier to find lessons by specific course. We are also working to add a tool to break down school and district reporting data by course, too.
Emailed Reports
This spring we plan to offer an emailed summary of reporting data to teachers and school leaders. You will be able to choose whether or not to opt into these communications. If there is anything you'd like to suggest for this planned new feature, please please contact us!