Speak Agent version 1.10.0 adds several improvements that you and your students will appreciate!
When you filter and sort Lessons or Wordlists, your account will now remember your previous search choices! This avoids having to filter by grade, subject, or language every time you return. If you can't find the lesson you're looking for, be sure to click CLEAR ALL at the top-right of the search area to undo all your filters.
The Read Along and Vocab Lab activities now include a way for students to control the size of reading text.
The Scrambled Sentences, Read Along and Vocab Lab activities also add student control of the narration speed. There are five speeds ranging from extra-slow to extra-fast.
The Tall Tales activity now enables fewer answer choices for lower grades. Instead of the current 8 choices, we can now offer 4, 6, or 8. So, for example, we plan to give students in grades K-1 just 4 answer choices. We will implement this for all new lessons. We will also retrofit older lessons over the summer. Pictured below is an example with 6 answer choices:
The Word Spin activity now remembers a student's progress if she/he exits the activity partway through and presses Save. In addition, we've increased the size of the word bank visuals. And, students who make a typo can now quickly fix mistakes in their story before sharing it with an editor.
We've been beta testing a new science activity called Diagram It! More on this next update...
As always, if you have ideas about how we can improve Speak Agent, we are listening! Just contact us.